Defenders of Greenwich Bay

Beach at Cedar Tree Point (Photo Courtesy of Carol A. Fritz)



The Defenders of Greenwich Bay was created by individuals to work directly on issues impacting the water quality of Greenwich Bay and public trust land use within the Greenwich Bay watershed. (..) to coordinate, oversee, and review restoration and preservation efforts focusing on improving and preserving the quality of Greenwich Bay and its watershed (.....) The goals of the Defenders of Greenwich Bay are:

  • to promote thoughtful use of Greenwich Bay Watershed assests and resouces
  • to advise State Agencies and municipalities concerning programs and measures to improve and protect bay and watershed quality and to promote use consistent with the Greenwich Bay Special Area Plan
  • to foster public involvement in Greenwich Bay planning and decision-making through public education and promotional activities.
  • To provide seed money to be used as grant match for other groups and initiatves working on projects within the Greenwich Bay watershed.
The Defenders of Greenwich Bay consists of 3 members who serve 2 year terms.

Defenders of Greenwich Bay | PO Box 1565 | Warwick, RI 02886 | 401-965-6529
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